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Project information

Reviewing and updating of the hc operation proceedings for constraints management in the hv distribution network

F.M. Echavarren E. Lobato L. Rouco

October 2011 - April 2012

Funding entity HC Energía S.A.

In the Spanish electric power system, the HV distribution network of Asturias is operated by HC Energía S.A. (HC hereinafter). Due to carbon competitive prices, Asturias was an exporting area, thus new combined cycle units was installed in the 400kV network to export their production.
From 2008, carbon became more expensive. In addition, the interconnection between transport and distribution is weak, thus the production of the new combined cycles in the HV network may not be used to feed distribution networks.
Those facts imply a new paradigm in the HC operation strategy, and as a consequence the need of new operation proceedings to avoid conflicts with REE, the Spanish TSO, and the CNE, the Spanish energy regulatory Comission. The objective of the present project is to review and update the operation proceedings of HC.
